



Prevailing Through a Pandemic

How nursing professors, students and alumni are handling COVID-19



泰勒Sirut, 儿子 ’19, a nurse in the emergency department at Detroit Medical Center, remembers hearing about COVID-19 early on, 但他, 和其他许多人一样, 从没想过

“I was in Florida with my grandparents watching the news and seeing China building the specialized hospitals,西鲁特说。. “I immediately thought, ‘this is never going to make it to America, but I feel terrible for them.’ Little did I know that two months later we’d be in a full-blown pandemic.”

In an instant, the world was flipped on its head. 在一夜之间, 密歇根州被封锁了, shelves at the grocery store were barren, while toilet paper and paper towels became valuable commodities.

Working in downtown Detroit, Sirut found himself in a hotspot. He saw COVID-19 patients daily, 穿礼服, 帽, N95口罩, surgical mask over top and a face shield, 整整12个小时的轮班. Tyler lives with his family, worried that he’d bring COVID-19 home, he created a routine.

A gown, gloves, face masks and face shield laid out on a table.
A man wearing a N95 putting a surgical mask overtop.
A man wearing a N95 and surgical mask donning a face shield.
A man wearing a N95, surgical mask and face shield donning a surgical gown.
A man wearing aN95, surgical mask, face shield and gown donning gloves.

“I’d strip down to my boxers in the garage,西鲁特解释道。, “throw my clothes into the washer and walk immediately up to the shower before I had any interaction with anyone in the house. That was my biggest fear, passing it along to my family.”

在大学阶段, 学生们被送回家, in-person classes were suspended and Zoom was now the most used application to reach students. Curriculums were tossed out and professors and instructors, 比如克里斯汀·穆扬, assistant professor and interim undergraduate program director for the 护理学院不得不适应.

"在最初的, 彻底的震惊,Munyan说。, “I was developing the curriculum on the fly, 管理团队, that initially had a big group think over the phone to develop a plan, and being as responsive as I could because the students were in crisis.”

Munyan’s team did a great job meeting with students, making sure they were doing okay academically, 身体和精神, as well as getting the students acclimated to the new class structure.

“Lectures have been the easiest thing to transition,摩根·麦克唐纳说。, a nursing student in her last semester before graduation. “Going from in-person to virtual clinical has been hard.”
Munyan and her fellow instructors were able to find virtual simulations to allow students to get that in-person experience. “The virtual assessments allowed us to do assessments by clicking through prompts,麦克唐纳解释道。. “We still had to do everything we would in person, but virtually. The only difference was, if you messed up you got a chance to do it again.”

While virtual clinicals can’t replace the experience gained with in-person clinicals, 它有好处. “Being able to control what students saw has been a huge benefit,Munyan说。. “I can introduce students to patients with diabetes, 患有囊性纤维化的孩子, someone who’s been abused and burn victims. I can show the whole spectrum of diagnoses creating an equitable experience.”

COVID-19 will have long lasting effects on hospital and nursing curriculum, 但大多数都是积极的, helping students and practicing professionals. One of the issues that has Munyan worried is a great flight from the profession post-pandemic.

“我有信心。,Munyan说。, “that we will see PTSD at an increased rate in our workforce and my concern is whether that will impact our retention. However, nurses are resilient, they have a calling to this profession. They don’t get into it for the money; we’re inherently driven to help people.”

While retention may be a concern, some found vindication during these trying times.

“The pandemic increased my passion for my work,西鲁特说。. “The days are long and tough, but I want to help people. I see people at their darkest hours and at the worst time in their lives. It’s an honor to be able to have a positive impact in the most trying times.”

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