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大学宿舍为学生提供了非凡的住宿体验,同时保持了一个安全和健康的社区. Personal attention, responsiveness and student well-being are our top priorities. 

今年,学生们将享受定义开放大学标志性体验的校园活动. 的 健康和安全专家的指导将为我们的最佳做法提供信息,因为我们享有丰富的规划和社会机会, and build friendships that will last a lifetime.

Details on our current health and safety protocol can be found below. 随着更多事实和信息的出现,我们的协议将继续完善.

健康与安全 Advance Planning
  • Prior to moving onto campus, 居民被要求确定如果他们被要求隔离,他们将采取的行动计划 由于传染病可能危及较大的居住人口.

  • Identifying an intended isolation location will be an essential part of creating an advance plan of action. 被诊断患有传染性疾病并被确定为对居住人口构成潜在威胁的居民将被要求离开校园进行隔离, and to convalesce at their permanent residence, unless prohibited by highly specific circumstances.

  • Completion of the advance planning process is required in order to move onto campus.

  • To complete the creation of an 健康与安全 Advance Plan, please follow the steps shown below.
    • 登录 我的住房 门户网站.
    • 点击 合同/形式.
    • 点击 Form - 健康与安全 Advance Plan.
    • 通过电子签名确认健康与安全提前计划的条款,并单击 继续.
    • Provide your 健康与安全 Advance Plan.
    • 点击 继续 提交表格.

  • 健康与安全 Advance plans will be shared with the 葛培理健康中心.

  • 的学生 underlying health issues or high-risk conditions 应注意,大学宿舍将无法提供额外的安全措施以外,将提供给一般人. 像这样, 我们强烈建议这些学生咨询他们的医生,以确定是否住在校园里是他们的正确决定.

大学保留在任何真正的紧急情况下关闭任何或所有大学宿舍和停止食品服务的权利 caused by weather, power failures, strikes, riots, fires, disasters, 突发公共卫生事件; 或其他超出学校控制范围,导致暂时无法或不明智地维护大学住房设施或食品服务的情况.


Health Emergencies (Physical and Psychological)

If you are currently experiencing a health emergency, please dial 911.

In cases involving health-related emergencies (physical or
 心理), 十大菠菜台子可以采取适当的措施来保护学生个人和校园的健康和安全.

这样的行动可能包括限制学生进入校园,直到情况得到解决,并通知学生的家人. 这也可以包括自愿或行政医疗退出大学.

Residents who try to physically harm themselves with the intent to complete suicide, or verbalize their intent to complete suicide, 或者表现得不理智, 对自己和/或他人的福利构成威胁的无法控制的或破坏性的行为, may see immediate action from 大学的宿舍. 在提供医疗专业人员的出院证明之前,他们将不允许返回大学宿舍. Once cleared by a medical professional, 住宿人员将被要求与学生主任会面,并完成公开大学咨询中心的心理评估. 在一起, the Dean of Students and director of the OU咨询中心 will decide whether, 在什么条件下, the student is stable enough to return to 大学的宿舍.

In case of medical emergencies, 将与十大菠菜台子警察局联系,以确定该学生的病情或受伤程度,并将呼叫EMS寻求医疗援助. 大学的员工, including 大学的宿舍 staff, are not permitted to transport residents to hospitals, doctor’s offices or clinics for medical assistance. 

有关处理心理和医疗紧急情况的程序的任何问题或疑虑,可由大学住宿处的住宿生活助理主任回答或解决, 哈姆林大厅,448房间, (248) 370-3570.

周一至周五可在格雷厄姆健康中心获得医疗援助. Call (248) 370-2341 for clinic hours or for an appointment.


  • Pontiac Osteopathic Hospital, (248) 338-5000
  • St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, (248) 858-3000
  • Ascension Providence Hospital, (248) 652-5000

新内容即将推出! Please check back for updates.

如果您需要立即帮助,请与学生事务主任办公室联系 (电子邮件保护), or (248) 370-3352. 

Meal pick-up option for ill students


学生可完成 Sick Meal Pick-Up Request Form to designate another person to pick up a meal on their behalf. 指定的拾取人员需要在特定的一天从食堂提供的食物中选择食物. 我们要求那个生病的学生 visit the campus dining website 记下菜单上的菜单,并与指定的接餐员沟通自己的喜好.

Please note that a separate form is needed for each requested meal. A copy of the form will be emailed to the ill student's 奥克兰.edu email for sharing with the designated pick-up person, and as a record of the request. Please ensure that the meals are retrieved during the advertised dining hours of operation.


我们强烈鼓励学生在做出有关个人安全的决定时做出合理的判断. 学校不鼓励学生天黑后在校园里单独出行,应将车停在光线充足、人流量大的地方. 对于住客来说,告诉他们的室友/室友他们什么时候出去,什么时候回来总是好的做法. 不要让陌生人或可疑人物进入任何大学宿舍,也不要让门开着.

If you are concerned about your safety, the safety of others or your property, or if you need any other kind of police assistance, you can contact the 十大菠菜台子 Police Department. 的y are a certified police department and available 24 hours a day. 为紧急情况, call 911; for non-emergencies, call (248) 370-3331; for the hearing impaired, 拨打(248)370-3337 (TDD).

All residents are responsible for reporting concerning behavior. 十大菠菜台子的 报告 & 支持团队 exists to facilitate a multidisciplinary, coordinated response to reports of students, 员工, 或校园内其他可能对自己或校园社区其他成员造成伤害威胁的个人. To learn more or submit a secure referral form to address a concern, please visit the 十大菠菜台子 Police Department website.


当有龙卷风警报时,十大菠菜台子警察局和/或大学住房工作人员将通知居民. Tornado sirens also will be heard around campus. 警告意味着龙卷风已经出现,你需要立即寻找掩护. 工作人员会指引你到大楼里最安全的地方(通常是一楼或地下室), 远离任何窗户), or you should follow the instructions posted on each floor. 所有人都应该躲起来直到十大菠菜台子警察局发布解除警报.

If you are caught outside during a warning and do not have time to reach a building, seek shelter in a low area or ditch. Lie face down and cover your face with your forearm to protect against flying debris.


Uwill provides free 24/7 mental health services for enrolled 十大菠菜台子 Students.


(248) 370-3570

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.